The Knights of Columbus invite you to the Pancake Breakfast after 8am, 10am and 12pm masses this Sunday Sept 24, by donation. Everyone is welcome. 3 Turkey draws will take place – 1 at each breakfast. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.
On behalf of the Salmon Barbecue Committee, we would like to extend our gratitude to all the families in the Holy Cross Community who attended our Annual Salmon Barbecue on Sunday Sept. 17.
It was very well attended and it was so nice to see so many families enjoying the special sense of community in our Parish. A very special thank you to the numerous volunteers who worked so hard in making this yearly event possible. Finally, our gratitude goes out to our Sponsors for their generosity and support of this community building event in our Parish.
With sincere appreciation
Lucia Sousa and Dino Alberti
Event Coordinators
Holy Cross Parish Community Building & Fundraising Events – Summary for 2023
It has been so nice to see the Holy Cross Parish gathering in the true spirit of a Catholic community once again, after the lock down period of the Covid Pandemic. In spite of the rising costs of hosting our Super Bowl Party, Golf Tournament and Salmon Barbeque, we continue to have tremendous community participation and financial support at these events. A very sincere thank you to all the sponsors, volunteers and participants who actively supported these events in 2023.
The following is an approximate summary of the funds raised at these community building events:
February Super Bowl Party – $2,500 (2024 date Feb. 11)
May Golf Tournament – $44,000 (2024 date May 10)
September Salmon Barbeque – $4,000 (2024 date Sept. 15)
These funds are extremely appreciated and go a long way in supporting our Holy Cross Parish.
With much gratitude,
Dino Alberti (Parish Development Officer)
Father Chris Pastuszka (Pastor)
2nd Collection Needs of the Canadian Church
This weekend’s second collection will assist the Canadian Bishops in their ministry of accompanying, teaching, guiding, sanctifying and caring for the Church in Canada.
Would you like to strengthen your faith? Join us for a simple 9 day retreat from October 4, 5, October 10-12, and October 16-19 (about one hour each day for nine days). Faith places us in real contact with God. Faith is our strength as Christians, because it teaches us to rely on Him in all things. Often lived most fervently when experiencing spiritual desolation, faith bears the fruit of peace, hope, and love. Using Fr. Jacques Philippe’s book, we will take nine days together with the parish community to meditate on your faith. Learn how to deepen and strengthen it, so that through both times of ease and times of burden, your faith can keep you focused on God, as he faithfully keeps his focus on you.
We will start with evening Mass at 7pm followed by a small group discussion in the church. Please register with Dorothy Demare at by September 29; the book (about $20) is optional and can also be purchased at an online bookstore.
Development and Peace Ministry
This ministry is looking for young adults (ages 16-30) who would be interested in joining them and/or helping out with some events. They promotes the protection of children from disaster, conflict and trafficking through fundraising, on-the-ground charity and knowledge/awareness. If you are interested in helping, please contact our parish office.
PREP (Parish religious education program)
PREP classes have started on Tuesday nights from 7 to 8 pm in the Holy Cross Church basement and the School building.
There are still a few spots remaining and parents can stop by the Parish Office to register from 9 am to 12 Noon or 1 to 4:00 pm, starting on Sept. 5th. Registrations will be closed on Fri. Sept. 29.
Thank you
Dino Alberti
HC Prep Program Coordinator
MASS INTENTIONS for next week September 25, 2023 to October 1, 2023 (requested by):
Mon. Sept 25 8:15 am
+Luz Gray Verzosa (Avelino-Gomez Family)
Tues. Sept 26 8:15 am
Spl. Int. Colleen Stevenson (Family)
Wed. Sept 27 8:15 am
+John Van Essen (Family)
Thurs. Sept 28 8:15 am
Spl. Int. Giuseppina G. for Thanksgiving for all the Blessings Received (Friends)
Fri. Sept 29 8:15 am
+Maria Demare (Marisa and Nick)
Fri. Sept 29 7:30 pm
+Glenn Marsland (Diva)
+Albert Anud (Diva)
Spl. Int. Nick Gentile and Marisa Demare (Diva)
Spl. Int. Marie and Allen (Family)
Spl. Int. Giuseppina G. (Diva)
Spl. Int. Justin, Joel, and Jerome Misenas (Nita)
Spl. Int. Melwyn and Teresa Rasquinha (Diva)
Spl. Int. Dave and Dorothy Demare (Diva)
Spl. Int. Laszlo and Bozena Szucs (Diva)
Sat. Sept 30 9:00 am
Spl. Int. Giuseppina G. (May and Don Chan)
Sat Sept 30 5:00 pm
+Carmine Sorace (Family)
+Erlinda Lopez and Urcina Dullaga (Lopez Family)
Spl. Int. Pam Vass (Family)
Spl. Int. Tami Comuzzi (Dave and Dorothy)
Sun. Oct 1 8:00 am
+Lilio Cappellini (Family)
+Rosa Pesce (Ivania and Tony)
Spl. Int. Carmela Petrollini (Giuseppina G.)
Spl. Int. Evaristo Myung and Family (Family)
Sun. Oct 1 10:00am
+John Spagnuolo (Pino Vigna and Family)
+Richard Crompton (Holy Cross CWL)
Spl. Int. Giuseppina G. (HC Office Staff)
Sun. Oct 1 12:00 Noon
+James Harrington (Diva)
+John Morris (Alfonso Family)
+Amadeo Merlo (Diva)
++William and Hyacinth Yang (Diva)
Sun Oct 1 5:00 pm
++Deceased Members of the Molyneux and Watts Families (Family)
+Molly Kong (Alice and Ernest)
Spl. Int. Private Intentions