PREP Registration for 2024-2025 is now open on the website Students entering Grades 1 to 7 in public schools are eligible. Please note that the “early bird” rate applies until June 3, 2024.
For any questions or for further information, contact the PREP office at
Since the spring weather (both sunshine and rain!) is here, we are looking for volunteers to help with some of the gardening around the Holy Cross grounds. You could volunteer as little as 2 hours a week on a Saturday or a Tuesday. Contact Lanny Hui at for more information.
Fr. Chris will be on vacation from May 13 to May 31 visiting his family in Poland.
The Knights of Columbus and Holy Cross Elementary School Post Secondary Scholarship is now open for applicants. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2024.
Applications can be submitted online at the following link
A reunion is being planned for people who attended Holy Cross School in the1960s. The event will be held in the Greater Vancouver area in the fall of 2024. Specific date, location, and other details are to be determined.
If you were a Holy Cross student in the 1960s and you’re interested in attending, please email one of the committee members below by April 30 2024.We’ll need your name (now and as it was in the1960s); the grades and/or years that you attended Holy Cross; your email and phone number; and current city of residence for planning purposes.
If you know of anyone else who attended Holy Cross in the 1960s, please pass this information onto them. We have enough interest now to plan the event. The parish has graciously agreed to place this notice in the bulletin in the hope of collecting additional interested students .Once the committee confirms the approximate numbers, we will advise you by email on the date, location, cost and time. At this point, we will ask you to confirm your attendance. The Organizing Committee members are: Wayne Shalagan email:, Debra Quercetti email:, Sheila (Moodie) McMillan email:, Joanne MacDonald email: and Alice (MacDonald) Spencer email:
Hoping to hear from you!
MASS INTENTIONS for Monday April 29 to Sunday May 5, 2024 (Requested by)
Mon. April 29 8:15 am Parishioners
Tues. April 30 8:15 am +Errol Pinto
Wed. May 1 8:15 am Spl. Int. Doctor McAnulty
Thurs. May 2 8:15 am +Eugenio Cervantes
Fri. May 3. 8:15 am +Florence Fung Luen Leung
Fri. May 3 7:30 pm +Gella Cruz
+Marlene Vis
+Henry Chung
+Severino Glerean
+Jet Fernandez
Spl. Int. May and Michelle
Spl. Int. Ceceilia Wan and Joachim, Catherine, Angela and Monica Chen
Spl. Int. Pan Family
Spl. Int. Marcelo San Juan
Spl. Int. Chakaredza and Madara Families
Spl. Int. Thanksgiving for Sunny’s Blessings received
Sat. May 4 9:00 am +++Souls in Purgatory
Sat. May 4 5:00 pm +Maria Seccia
+Lilla Siracusa
+Gella Cruz
+Carlo Sorace
+Guido De Angelis
Spl. Int. Marcelo San Juan
Spl. Int. Ceceilia Wan and Joachim, Catherine, Angela and Monica Chen
Sun. May 5 8:00 am ++Ed and Nora Schollen (
+Pietro Artuso
+++Jose and Juliana Faria and Deceased Members of the Faria Family
+Louise Baril
Spl. Int. Marcelo San Juan
Spl. Int. Bozena
Sun. May 5 10:00am +Henry Chung
+Amedeo Merlo
+Virginia De La Rios
Spl. Int. Betty Chung
Sun. May 5 12:00 Noon ++Antonio and Maria Diguigiovanni
++Bertilla and Mario Nicoletti
+Paul Thow
+Maria Chua
+Adella Banez
Spl. Int. Sadie Kalynchuk for Full Recovery from Pneumonia
Spl. Int. Alba and Family
Sun. May 5 5:00 pm Parishioners