The Knights of Columbus (www.kofc.org) is a fraternal organization of Catholic gentlemen in service to Church, Family and Community, through principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Founded in 1882 by the Venerable Fr. Michael J. McGivney, today it numbers 1.8 million members world-wide.

Become A Knight!
Council 5423 Holy Cross, founded in 1963, presently holds about 100 members, and is active in:
- Pancake Breakfasts and organizing or assisting with dinners
- dances and other Parish activities
- volunteering at Blood Clinics
- marching on Remembrance Day
- a Christmas party for Seniors and “Keep Christ in Christmas” campaign
- Carnations for Mothers Day
- member get-togethers for dining, curling, fishing, prayer & retreats
General meetings are held at Holy Cross Church after the 7 pm Mass on the second Thursday of each month.
- Membership is open to practicing Catholic men in union with the Holy See, who are at least 18 years old.
- Application can be made through
- any member
- contact Mike Malsegna at 604-329-0207
- Grand Knight at email: gk.5423.holycross@gmail.com
Scholarship Opportunities
Knights of Columbus Holy Cross Parish Council #5423 and the Holy Cross Elementary School are offering a Post Secondary School Scholarship to Secondary school students. To be eligible, an applicant must be in Grade 12 at a British Columbia High School and have graduated from Holy Cross Elementary School.
Scholarship opportunities can be found on the KoFC website when available.