Founded in 1920 this service organization has formed the backbone of parish life. The women of the CWL helped to build the dioceses and parishes that we still enjoy today.
As one of the largest Catholic service organization in Canada, they have provided a voice to those issues of life and service which are closest to the hearts of all Catholics. Through political lobbying and advocacy they have spoken up for the unborn, the disenfranchised, our impoverished and abused sons and daughters.
We are not only grateful for the firm foundations of faith and tradition the Catholic Women’s League of Canada have helped to preserve and hand down to future generations, we are indebted to their deeply spiritual values.
The CWL Invites You!
An invitation is extended to all women to purchase a membership in the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. By doing so you will be:
- supporting the efforts of League members across Canada who are diligently working to promote the teachings of the Catholic church.
- part of the largest national organization of Catholic women in Canada with a tradition of service to others as expressed in its motto “For God and Canada.”
- While your presence at meetings is important, we realize that in this busy world it may not always be possible for you to attend. Be assured that your interest and support is as important as your attendance!
Holy Cross Parish CWL’s general meeting is held every 3rd Thursday of the month (6:30pm Mass and then meeting after Mass), in the church basement from September to June.
For more information, please email cwlholycross@gmail.com or contact the Holy Cross Parish office for the President's contact information.
CWL Archdiocese of Vancouver website: http://vancouver.cwl.bc.ca/