Children’s Liturgy of the Word


Liturgy of the Word for Children is a program in which the Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate to children in Pre- K through Grade 4 at the 10am Sunday Mass. Any child in this age group may participate - no registration is necessary.

The Liturgy of the Word for Children is not “Sunday school” or a catechism class.  Rather, the Liturgy of the Word for Children is a component of the ritual prayer of Mass just as it is for adults.  In fact, the Children’s Liturgy of the Word should never be seen as separate from the Mass. It should flow with and in the greater celebration of the Sunday Mass.  Although the children may be in a different space for the liturgy of the Word or at a different level of understanding, they are not “dismissed” from the assembly. When they are elsewhere, it is to enhance their inclusion in the liturgy, not separate them from it.

Following the Opening Prayer, Father will call the children to the altar for a blessing.  The children are then led downstairs to the Parish basement, where the Gospel is proclaimed by one of the adult leaders. After this, the children are separated into 3 groups, SEEDS (Pre-K & K); PROMISE (Grades 1 & 2); and, GOOD NEWS (Grades 3 & 4).   In each group, an age-appropriate reflection on the Word is shared by the leader through stories, discussions, or pictures - whatever the leader finds most appropriate to conveying the meaning of the scriptures. The children are then invited to share their own thoughts and ideas. Following this, the children return to their families at the time of the Presentation of the Gifts.

We look forward to seeing your child there!

Please contact Lucy Sousa for more information at 604-205-9393.

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