COFFEE SUNDAY and Raffle Tickets Sales and Draw
This Sunday April 14, join us for Coffee Sunday after all morning Masses right outside the door of the Church. We are celebrating Fr. Tomasz’s birthday, so please join us for cake and a variety of treats donated by our parishioners and from Valley Bakery and Cobs Bread on Kensington. We will sell raffle tickets after 8am and 10am Mass and a winning ticket will be drawn after 12pm Mass. It’s $2 per ticket and proceeds support Coffee Sunday!
You can return the wine you purchased for the Heavenly Wines auction item after all Masses this weekend (Saturday April 20 and Sunday April 21).
Holy Cross (Eiffel Investments Ltd)
Annual Golf Tournament on May 10, 2024
Where: Riverway Golf Course in Burnaby
Time: 12:15 pm Lunch, 1:00 pm Shotgun start, 7:30 pm Dinner
Any interested sponsors, participants, volunteers should refer to our updated website. The Golf Tournament link is:
Thank you for your continued support.
Holy Cross Parish Golf Committee
Next weekend, Farid from the Holy Land Group will be selling religious articles made from olive wood from the Holy Land. These religious articles can be used as gifts for first communions, Christmas and other occasions. Some of these articles can also be used as a means of praying and providing comfort, strength, and even hope for people who are suffering.
(Please note that that they accept only cash, etransfer or cheques for payment at this time.)
Easter Holy Water
Our Easter Holy Water is available to all parishioners. Please bring a container(s) and help yourself to the tub of Holy Water at the front of the church by the statue of Our Blessed Mother.
A reunion is being planned for people who attended Holy Cross School in the1960s. The event will be held in the Greater Vancouver area in the fall of 2024. Specific date, location, and other details are to be determined.
If you were a Holy Cross student in the 1960s and you’re interested in attending, please email one of the committee members below by April 30 2024.We’ll need your name (now and as it was in the1960s); the grades and/or years that you attended Holy Cross; your email and phone number; and current city of residence for planning purposes.
If you know of anyone else who attended Holy Cross in the 1960s, please pass this information onto them. We have enough interest now to plan the event. The parish has graciously agreed to place this notice in the bulletin in the hope of collecting additional interested students .Once the committee confirms the approximate numbers, we will advise you by email on the date, location, cost and time. At this point, we will ask you to confirm your attendance. The Organizing Committee members are: Wayne Shalagan email:, Debra Quercetti email:, Sheila (Moodie) McMillan email:, Joanne MacDonald email: and Alice (MacDonald) Spencer email:
Hoping to hear from you!
The Knights of Columbus AGM will be on Thursday April 25th at 7pm in the music room, where elections for council officers will take place for the next fraternal year.
Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast will be held next week on April 21st after the 8am, 10am, and 12pm Masses.
MASS INTENTIONS for Mon April 15 to Sunday April 21, 2024 (Requested by)
Mon. Apr 15 8:15 am +Maxima Asuncien (Ellie Cervantes)
Tues. Apr 16 8:15 am +Pablito Cervantes (Ellie Cervantes)
Wed. Apr 17 8:15 am +Flora Calori (Family)
Thurs. Apr 18 8:15 am +Henry Asuncion (Ellie Cervantes)
Fri. Apr 19 8:15 am +Frank Folino
Fri. Apr 19 7:30 pm +John Morris (Costanza Mancini)
+Wallace Morris (Diva)
+Mauricio Olalo (Diva)
+Henry Chung (Maria V.)
+Maddalena Ricci (Family)
+Severino Glerean (Agnes)
Spl. Int. Cecilia Wan (Rose Wan)
Spl. Int. Pan Family (Family)
Spl. Int. Betty Chung (Maria V.)
Spl. Int. Marcelo San Juan (Grace San Juan)
Spl. Int. Isabelle Ribezzo (Simona and Alessandro)
Spl. Int. Charlize Ribezzo (Simona and Alessandro)
Spl. Int. Edward Ribezzo (Simona and Alessandro)
Spl. Int. Giuseppe De Pasquale (Simone and Alessandro)
Spl. Int. Aurora Danese (Simona and Alessandro)
Spl. Int. Tess Avelino-Liu (Diva)
Sat. Apr 20 9:00 am Spl. Int. Emilia Nicoletti (Giuseppina G.)
Sat. Apr 20 5:00 pm ++Gregorio Anonas (Cruz Family)
+Edward Chang (Giuseppina G.)
++Cipriano and Doring Dolores (Art and Connie Madayag)
++Joseph and Helen and Wayne Gunville (Dorothy)
Spl. Int. Shashi Wijesinahe (Peter Veltri)
Spl. Int. Makiko (Kit)
Spl. Int. Marcelo San Juan (Grace San Juan)
Sun. Apr 21 8:00 am +Misty Bernard (Lea Boelens)
+Myra Williams (Lea Boelens)
+Robert Gandini (Lea Boelens)
+David Sawdon (Tim and Denise Morris)
+Pietro Artuso (Gemma and Gina)
Sun. Apr 21 10:00am +Henry Chung (Giuseppina G.)
+Michele Arrota (De Mare Family)
+Maddalena Ricci (Mary de Fazio)
+Dino Samola (Tariciso Boffo and Family)
+Don Filippe Boffo (Tarcisio Boffo and Family)
+Francesco Manetta (Family)
+Imelda Bordignon (Groupo TV)
Spl. Int. Darlene and Jeff (Kennedy Family)
Spl. Int. Betty Chung (Marlene)
Sun. Apr 21 12:00 Noon Spl. Int. Marcelo San Juan (Grace San Juan)
Spl. Int. Diva Morris
Sun. Apr 21 5:00 pm Spl. Int. Marisa Demare (Alpha for Men Team)
Spl. Int. Mark Felix (Maria V.)