MASSES CANCELLED Tues October 24 to Fri October 27
Morning Masses from Tuesday October 24 to Friday October 27 as well as Divine Mercy Mass on Friday October 27th are cancelled as Father Chris and Father Tomas are away at a retreat for the Salvatorian Fathers. There will be the Liturgy of the Word with the distribution of Holy Communion at 8:15 am (Tues to Fri) officiated by our acolyte Carmine Morelli.
We are very excited to announce that we have surpassed the Archdiocesan Goal of $56,400 for Project Advance at Holy Cross Parish. A very sincere thank you to all our parishioners who have helped make this happen. This is great news because any further donations to Project Advance will go directly to our Parish and help us achieve our three main campaign goals for this year and, they are as follows:
– Replacing the furnace in the rectory – $13,000
– Parking Lot Repairs – $22,000
– Seismic upgrade of our elementary school
Our sincere gratitude to all our Parishioners who have donated so far and to those who still wish to participate in the 2023 Project Advance Campaign.
You can drop off your pledge form in the collection basket, at the parish office or go online to give at and please. . . designate our parish as the recipient. You can also make a donation by phoning the Parish Office with your credit card information.
If you are looking for something to help you or your family live your faith, the CWL is selling religious articles at the back of the Church this weekend after the 5:00 pm Mass this Saturday and after the 8:00am, 10:00am & 12:00pm Masses on Sunday. We accept cheque or cash for payment.
Homeless Program – Next weekend ONLY
Our program will run for only one weekend (next weekend OCT 28-29). Clear plastic bags are provided to help us sort through the donations and it can be picked up at the back of the church. Please put the men’s and women’s donations in separate bags. Only the following articles are needed: blankets, winter coats, gloves/mittens, boots, socks, toques, scarves and clothing. Please ensure your donations are in good condition, CLEAN and reusable. You are most welcome to donate new items. Please tag your donation bag “Homeless Men” or “Homeless Women” and place it near the homeless box at the inside entrance of the church. Since the homeless do not have a place to stay or live in shelters, they cannot accept either furniture or cooking utensils. Also, the shelters and the centers cannot accept children’s clothing because they serve only adults. For more information, please phone/text Dillon (604-561-6918). Thank you for your support in reaching out to those in need.
We know that Christmas is still more than 2 months away and you probably don’t want to think about buying chocolates yet (other than Halloween candy)! But if you do want to get started on your shopping, you can support our Holy Cross Catholic Women’s League’s (CWL) Christmas fundraiser by buying Purdy’s chocolates for your Christmas stockings, or as Christmas gifts. The CWL supports our parish with their fundraising proceeds so any support is greatly appreciated.
To place an order, click on the following link to “Join a Campaign”:
Should you have trouble accessing the site when clicking on the link, please visit: and select “Join a Campaign”. You will be asked to provide your email address and our Customer Number (63039).
If you don’t want chocolates, you can support our CWL with a monetary donation.
Deadline to place an order is Sunday November 26th and orders will be available for pick up after all Sunday Masses on December 10.
If you can’t order online, or have any questions, please call or email the Parish office ( or email Marisa ( Thank you!
Knights of Columbus Annual Charity Appeal is live.
Here is the link to the charity appeal draw. – Remember to pick “Burnaby-5423 Holy Cross” from the organization list when entering your billing information. Draw date is December 16th.
It’s not too late to register to become a Knight. You can register at the following link: :
Use the promo code: BLESSEDMCGIVNEY for a free online membership.
The Knights of Columbus invite you to the Pancake Breakfast next Sunday after 8am, 10am and 12pm masses, by donation. Everyone is welcome.
Kindergarten 2024 Applications
Holy Cross Elementary School will be accepting applications starting on November 15th for prospective Kindergarten students who will be 5 years old (born in 2019). If you are interested in having your child attend Holy Cross Elementary, please complete the application form which can be found on the school website ( and bring the following to the school office: child’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate (if baptized Catholic), completed application form and a $25.00 application fee payable by cash or cheque between November 15, 2023 and December 8, 2023. In-person interviews for families selected based on our admissions policy will be on January 12, 2024.
The School is holding a fundraiser on Sat Nov 25th in the School Gym. For more information, go to the link below.
Share Christmas 2023 – Boxes Needed
Share Christmas will commence on the 1st Sunday of Advent this year. We will be requesting food items like we did before Covid. In the meantime, we are asking parishioners to collect boxes that will help us in transporting your food to the Sisters in the Downtown Eastside. If you happen to shop at AAA, Red Apple, Save-On, Safeway, or Superstore, please ask the staff if they can donate one empty box (size: apple box preferred). If you’re shopping at Costco, please ask the staff if you can take one empty tray (size: avocado, plum, kiwi, or tomato trays preferred). If you collect one box, as a parish community working together, we will have enough boxes. Please place your empty box on a table (Share Christmas Boxes) at the back of the church. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
LIVE-IN WEEKEND at the Seminary of Christ the King
There will be a Vocation Live-In on the weekend of November 4-5, 2023 at the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, BC. Anyone wishing to enter the Seminary in the next couple of years is welcome. For more information phone 604-826-8975 or email
Second Collection: World Mission Sunday October 22
On World Mission Sunday October 22, we remember our baptismal call to share the Gospel so that others may come to know Jesus. This year, Pope Francis focuses on the theme “Hearts on fire, feet on the move” (cf. Lk 24:13-35), inspired by the disciples who encountered Jesus on their way to Emmaus.
The second collection this weekend will provide essential support to churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor. Your gift and prayers will make a difference to world missionaries as they continue the work of evangelization in the most vulnerable of communities.
HOLY CROSS Save the Dates in 2024
Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
Sunday Feb. 11, 2024 – Super Bowl Party
Friday May 10, 2024 – Annual Golf Tournament
Sunday Sept. 15, 2024 – Annual Salmon Barbecue
MASS INTENTIONS for next week October 23 to 29, 2023 (requested by):
Mon. Oct 23 8:15 am
++Souls in Purgatory
Tues. Oct 24 8:15 am
No Mass
Wed. Oct 25 8:15 am
No Mass
Thurs. Oct 26 8:15 am
No Mass
Fri. Oct 27 8:15 am
No Mass
Fri. Oct 27 7:30 pm
No Divine Mercy Mass
Sat. Oct 28 9:00 am
Spl. Int. for Our Lady Queen of Peace, Patron of Safe Travels (Cynthia Avelino-Gomez)
Sat. Oct 28 5:00 pm
+Carmelo Egitto (Ada Folino and Family)
+Marijo Carr (Jeanette Buonassisi)
Spl. Int. Guia Velasco on her 99th Birthday (Cruz Family)
Spl. Int. Agnes Wan on her Birthday (Family)
Sun. Oct 29 8:00 am
+Andrea Bruschetta (Carmelo and Fortunata Mattiazzo)
+Gerald Moreau (Jeanette Buonassisi)
Spl. Int. Maria Romano (Family)
Sun. Oct 29 10:00am
+Anna Merola (Tony and Linda Merola)
++Eufrasia Sovernigo and Deceased Members of the Sovernigo Family (Family)
++++Antonio, Letizia, Cristina and Sister Giulia Fiorante
+Leah Crescenzo (Tom and Jane Cikes and Family)
Spl. Int. for Peace in Gaza (Maria Hu)
Sun. Oct 29 12:00 Noon
+Leah Crescenzo (Mary De Fazio)
+Francisco Avelino (Teresa Avelino-Liu)
++Carlo De Renzio and Vito Tritone (Family)
+Jim Hibbert (Parishioner)
Spl. Int. Franca Zumpano (Diva)
Spl. Int. David Walker (Family)
Sun. Oct 29 5:00 pm
+Maria Demare (Nick G. & Marisa D.)
++Leopoldo and Miguel Joshua