The Knights of Columbus invite you to the Pancake Breakfast this Sunday after 8:00 am, 10:00 am and 12:00 pm Masses, by donation. Everyone is welcome. Proceeds this weekend will go to RCIA.
The Catholic Church dedicates the entire month of November to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. This season begins with the Hallowtide Triduum, which consists of All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day. During November we pray for the souls of those who have died, especially those whom we have known and loved. Remembering them, praying for them, and giving thanks for them pleases God, who makes use of our prayers to help purify those souls in Purgatory that He loves.
The Roman Catholic celebration is associated with the doctrine that the souls of the faithful, who at death have not been cleansed from temporal punishment, due to light sins and from attachment to mortal sins, cannot immediately enter heaven. Therefore, they must be purified of “lesser faults,” and the temporal effects of sin.
The Catholic Church calls this purification “purgatory”. The universal Christian teaching on Purgatory requires belief in two realities: 1) That there will be a purification of believers prior to entering heaven. 2) That the prayers and Masses of the faithful in some way benefit those in this state of purification. We, as Catholics, believe that these souls may be helped by our prayers and by the sacrifice of the Mass.
During the month of November we have a long-standing tradition of accepting Masses by All Souls Envelopes:
1. Each envelope is a request for one Mass. Please take these from the entrance of the church or make your own envelope that is clearly marked “All Souls”.
2. Write the names of your deceased on the front and, along with your donation, put it in the Sunday collection basket (during the entire month of November), or bring it to our parish office OR send it to us via mail.
3. Each of these envelopes will be used as one Mass intention, celebrated by Fr. Tomasz or myself, or perhaps another priest. PLEASE NOTE: we will not be able to let you know the date on which your Mass will be observed.
I encourage you to continue this beautiful practice that will help in setting our hearts and minds in the strong belief of Christ’s resurrection. This is our spiritual gift, not only for our deceased, but also for all the forgotten souls. May they rest in peace!
Please remember that we can assist all the departed by way of ALMSGIVING, INDULGENCES, AND WORKS OF PENANCE on their behalf.
You can also pick up a November Holy Souls Prayer Booklet in the lobby of the Church to help your pray in the month of November.
Making Sense of Adolescence Moms Support Group
When our children reach adolescence, it can seem like they have become a different person. Dr. Gordon Neufeld explains why this is and how best to still remain close to our children in this difficult stage. We will discuss his insights while touching on the topics of: peers, rebellion, aloneness, play, sexuality and, overarching, why they need to be attached to us and how we can achieve this.
Dates for this year: Nov 8, Nov 22 and Nov 29 (2024 TBC)
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Holy Cross Basement
RSVP or questions to Laura or Ida
Our Homeless Program begins this weekend and it is the only weekend (OCT 28-29) that your donations are accepted. Clear plastic bags are provided to help us sort through the donations and the bags can be picked up at the back of the church. Please put the men’s and women’s donations in separate bags. Only the following articles are needed: blankets, winter coats, gloves/mittens, boots, socks, toques, scarves and clothing. Please ensure your donations are in Good Condition and that they are CLEAN and Reusable. You are most welcome to donate new items. Please tag your donation bag “Homeless Men” or “Homeless Women” and place it near the homeless box at the inside entrance of the church. Since the homeless do not have a place to stay or live in shelters, they cannot accept either furniture or cooking utensils. Also, the shelters and the centers cannot accept children’s clothing because they serve only adults. For more information, please phone/text Dillon (604-561-6918). Thank you for your support in reaching out to those in need!
Our Christmas Midnight Mass choir is going to start practicing next weekend. Musicians and those who would like to sing with us in the choir are very welcome. We will practice in the Church on Sundays November 5, 12, 19, 26 and December 3, 10 and 17 from 6:00-7:30 pm. Please contact Lanny Hui at, if you would like to join or have any questions.
Knights of Columbus Annual Charity Appeal is live.
Here is the link to the charity appeal draw. – Remember to pick “Burnaby-5423 Holy Cross” from the organization list when entering your billing information. Draw date is December 16th.
It’s not too late to register to become a Knight. You can register at the following link: :
Use the promo code: BLESSEDMCGIVNEY for a free online membership.
We are very excited to announce that we have surpassed the Archdiocesan Goal of $56,400 for Project Advance at Holy Cross Parish. A very sincere thank you to all our parishioners who have helped make this happen. This is great news because any further donations to Project Advance will go directly to our Parish and help us achieve our three main campaign goals for this year and, they are as follows:
– Replacing the furnace in the rectory – $13,000
– Parking Lot Repairs – $22,000
– Seismic upgrade of our elementary school
Our sincere gratitude to all our Parishioners who have donated so far and to those who still wish to participate in the 2023 Project Advance Campaign.
You can drop off your pledge form in the collection basket, at the parish office or go online to give at and. . . please. . . designate our parish as the recipient. You can also make a donation by phoning the Parish Office with your credit card information.
The School is holding a fundraiser on Sat Nov 25th in the School Gym. For more information, go to the link below.
Kindergarten 2024 Applications
Holy Cross Elementary School will be accepting applications for prospective Kindergarten students who will be 5 years old (born in 2019). If you are interested in having your child attend Holy Cross Elementary, please complete the application form which can be found on the school website ( and bring the following to the school office: child’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate (if baptized Catholic), completed application form and a $25.00 application fee payable by cash or cheque between November 15, 2023 and December 8, 2023. In-person interviews for families selected based on our admissions policy will be on January 12, 2024.
Share Christmas 2023 – Boxes Needed
Share Christmas will commence on the 1st Sunday of Advent this year. We will be requesting food items like we did before Covid. In the meantime, we are asking parishioners to collect boxes that will help us in transporting your food to the Sisters in the Downtown Eastside. If you happen to shop at AAA, Red Apple, Save-On, Safeway, or Superstore, please ask the staff if they can donate one empty box (size: apple box preferred). If you’re shopping at Costco, please ask the staff if you can take one empty tray (size: avocado, plum, kiwi, or tomato trays preferred). If you collect one box, as a parish community working together, we will have enough boxes. Please place your empty box on a table (Share Christmas Boxes) at the back of the church. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Please join the Kearney Funeral Services team in honouring your loved ones and all those that have passed away this last year, at this special Mass that will be celebrated at: Our Lady of Sorrows Church 555 Slocan St., Vancouver, BC on Wednesday, November 8th, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.
Please RSVP by e-mailing us at, or call 604-299-6889 (Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm) as we will be offering refreshments in the Parish Hall after the Mass.
Save the Dates in 2024
Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
Sunday Feb. 11, 2024 – Super Bowl Party
Friday May 10, 2024 – Annual Golf Tournament
Sunday Sept. 15, 2024 – Annual Salmon Barbecue
MASS INTENTIONS for Oct 30 to Nov 5, 2023 (Requested by)
Mon. 8:15 am
+David Hui (Joseph Nip)
Tues. 8:15 am
Spl. Int. Michael Fong (Family)
Wed. 8:15 am
++Carmela and Salvatore Laurita (Family)
Thurs 8:15 am
++Esperance D’Souza and T. Herbert Chakaredza (Families)
Thurs 9:15 am
School Mass
Fri. 8:15 am
+Florence Fung Luen Leung (Family)
Fri 7:30 pm
+James Harrington (Diva)
+Gella Cruz (Lanny and Danny)
+Adolfo Ortiz Junior (Family)
+Juanito Sason (Family)
+++++Zacarias, Dolores, Bernardo and Victor Nopre and Helmut Halfar (Albina Halfar)
++Alberto and Rosa Corrado (Lydia Lupinacci and Family)
++Deceased Members of Pantuso and Corrado Families (Lydia Lupinacci and Family)
++Deceased Members of Yong Family (Ernest and Alice)
+Angelo Danese (Simona and Alessandro)
+Francesco Coro (Simona and Alessandro)
+Franco Di Fino (Simona and Alessandro)
++Eileen and Nico Smulders (Andrea and Peter)
+Francheska Lexie Noche Ita-As (Maria Hu)
+++++Rogelio, Epifanio, Lumen, Virgilio and Jesse Dechavez
++++++Teofilo, Tomasa, Elisa, Carmen, Rolando and Limwel Alpajora,
+++++Edwin and Ciya Sapla, Baltazar Parmitan and Peping and Emma Medemilla
++++Irene and Ramon Cruz and Marcelina and Leo Agulay (Teresita DeChavez)
Spl. Int. May and Michelle (Juliet)
Spl. Int. Justin, Joel and Jerome Misenas (Nita)
Spl. Int. Marie and Allen (Family)
Spl. Int. Catherine, Monica, Angela and Joachim Chen (Agnes)
Spl. Int Thanksgiving by Revy Anne for all Graces Received (Teresita)
Sat. 9:00 am
++Souls in Purgatory
Sat 5:00 pm
+Gella Cruz (Jeanette B.)
++Dina and Lino Natola (Giuseppina G.)
+Marijo Carr (Jackie Pavich)
+Remegia Evangelista (Art and Connie Madayag)
+Carmelo Egitto (Marisa and Nick)
+Carlos Gabriel Ordonez (Dave and Dorothy)
Sun. 8:00 am
+++Marina Parado, Domingo Parado Junior and Nguu Ly
++Young Sik and Maria Sim (Family)
++Deceased Members of Mauro and Romano Families (Family)
+Claudia Ghostkeeper (Carmela Petrollini)
Sun. 10:00am
+Margaret Molnar (Mary Anne)
+John Pavich (Family)
+Rina Tinaburri (Lucy, Vik and Family)
+Carmina Tinaburri (Mike and Carmelina DeLazzari)
+++Clorindo, Teresa and Nina Ciprano
++++++Marcelo, Antonia, Eduardo Pachico, Alejandro and Ancieta Caro and Cirilo Caro Junior
(Natividad Caro)
++++Francesco and Francesca Peronacci, Francesco Fabiano and Francesco Amendolia (Family)
Spl. Int. Joy MacFarland (Daphne)
Spl. Int. for Peace in Gaza (Maria Hu)
Spl. Int. Thanksgiving by the Magsino Family (Family)
Sun. 12:00 Noon
+Attilio Pannozzo (Family)
+John Morris (Family)
+Adolfo Ortiz Junior (Family)
+Leah Crescenzo (Domenico and Teresa Sorace)
+Nancy Petrelli (Mary and Martin Zupan)
++Carlo De Renzio and Vito Tritone (Family)
+Jim Hibbert (Dave and Dorothy)
Spl. Int. David Walker (Family)
Spl. Int. Franca Zumpano (Anna Matera)
Sun 5:00 pm
+Irene Kliman (Krys Bondi)
+Carlos Gabriel Ordonez (Anna)