December 30, 2022
Fr. Chris and Fr. Tomas would like to thank you for your generous outpouring of cards, well-wishes, and the gifts that they received during this Christmas Season. They wish that, in 2023, the Lord will bless you with health, happiness and peace.
This week we have finalized our annual Share Christmas Campaign. We received $8382.00 in monetary donations. These funds were delivered to the religious sisters living in the downtown eastside, who serve the needy throughout our Archdiocese. Thank you very much for your generosity! Some parishioners were asking whether we will be collecting food items again as we did before Covid-19. We could certainly do this if someone agreed to be in charge of this program. However, it should be someone who is not already a leader of other programs and ministries in our parish. If you are willing to organize the collection of food items next Christmas, please contact the parish office by the end of September. It will give us enough time to plan it and find volunteers.
New Year’s Masses
• Saturday – New Year’s Eve Anticipated Mass
• 5:00 pm
• Sunday – New Year’s Day
• 8:00 am
• 10:00 am
• 12:00 pm
• (No 5:00 pm Mass New Year’s Day).
The Parish office will be closed on Monday January 2, 2023.
We are still collecting unused Christmas cards and 2023 calendars for the Prison Ministry until Thursday January 5, 2023. Calendars can be wall, desk or appointment calendars without coils. Please put the cards and calendars in the boxes in the lobby of the Church.
Thank you for your support of the Prison Ministry!
Please mark your calendars for our Super Bowl party on Sunday, February 12, 2023 from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm and for our annual Holy Cross Golf Tournament on Friday, May 12, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
MASS INTENTIONS for Jan 2 to 8, 2023 (Requested by)
Mon. 9:00 am
+Florence Fung Luen Leung (Family)
Tues. 8:15 am
+Vincenzo Misceo (Family)
Wed. 8:15 am
+Robert Veltri (Wife Rose Ann Abbinante)
Thurs 8:15 am
+Esperance D’Souza and Halina Postolska (Families)
Fri. 8:15 am
++Souls in Purgatory
Fri. 7:30 pm
+Tony Kanjer (Lanny and Danny)
+Emma Isaac (Costanza M.)
++++++Cosimo and Carmela Peronace,
Rosalba Gasparre, Nicola and Caterina Tassone
and Elisabeth Arcadi
+Hyacinth Yang (Lanny and Danny)
+John Pavich (Diva and John)
+Adolfo Ortiz Junior (Family)
+Robert Chia (May and Don Chan)
Spl. Int. Carmel Harrington (Family)
Spl. Int Martha, Paul and Pan Family (Family)
Spl. Int. Gianni and Ida (Parishioner)
Spl. Int. Diva and John (Maria V.)
Spl. Int. Maria and Joe
Sat. 9:00 am
Spl. Int. Anthony of Padua (Cynthia Gomez)
Sat 5:00 pm
+Kathleen Heirakuji (Thow Family)
+Mitch Tannis (Knights of Columbus – Holy Cross)
Sun. 8:00 am
+Raul Diaz Clemente (Family)
+John Pavich (Adriana and Stefano Fogale)
+Margaret Molnar (Adriana Fogale)
+Bernadina Liguori (Bolzonello Family)
Spl. Int. Cynthia Fong (Children)
Spl. Int. David Myung and Familyl (Family)
Sun. 10:00am
+Rina Tinaburri (Lucy, Vik and Family)
+John Pavich (Gazzola Family)
+Amancio Ferreira (Family)
+Margaret Molnar (Nicole and Mike)
+Stefano Macri (Artuso Family)
+Amedeo Merlo (Family)
Spl. Int. Father Tomasz (Barbara V.H.)
Sun. 12:00 Noon
+Emma Isaac (John and Diva)
+Saverino Filippelli (Family)
+Hyacinth Yang (Parishioner)
+++Lidia and Angelo and Flavio Santarossa
+Fannie Quercetti (Sirgunjak Family)
+Father. Dante Venus (Perla)
Spl. Int. Joseph Family (Family)
Sun 5:00 pm
+Andreina Artuso (Rasquinha Family)
+Anita Montague (Teresa Francilla)
++++Lina Maria Vassallo and
Rocco & Pasqualina Di Biase and Manuel and Maria Pereira
+Angelo Mion (De Lazzari Family)
+Petar Madunic (De Lazzari Family)
+Rosalba Gasparre