January 6, 2023
Please join our monthly Coffee Sunday after all morning Masses (8am, 10am, 12pm) this Sunday, January 8 in the School Gym. We have various treats donated by Cobs on Kensington and Valley Bakery. We look forward to seeing you!
Father Chris and Father Tomas will be away from Monday January 9 to Monday January 16 at the Annual Meeting of the Salvatorian Fathers. Father James Comey will be replacing our priests for all the Masses except the Sunday January 15th 12:00 pm Mass when Father Martin Brain will be celebrating the Mass. Some of you may remember Father Comey from when he was here at Holy Cross in the late 1970s and 1980s.
NO DIVINE MERCY MASS on Friday January 13, 2023
Divine Mercy Mass on Friday January 13, 2023 is cancelled. (All other Masses will take place as per the usual schedule).
We are inviting teens from grades 10-12 to come and join us on a 9-week journey. Each evening will start out with a meal, followed by a 20 minute video and breakout sessions into small groups. We will begin next Friday January 13 at 6:30pm in the church basement. Please note that the space is limited and if you are interested in this unique experience, please register ASAP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PknUBmBPa1CYSAyrCDt4ltsne4eTYDTSNtwROXr4Mz8/edit
We encourage you to bring a friend, it’ll be more fun that way. That friend doesn’t have to attend this church, or even be Catholic. Alpha is a place for everyone! Someone will be at the back of church after all Masses this weekend to answer any questions you might have. You can find out more about Youth Alpha series here: https://alphacanada.org/preview/alpha-youth-series/
If you have any questions, please call/text Makiko at (778) 938-3244 or email mymorelli@hotmail.com
Tickets are available now at the Parish Office for our Super Bowl Party on Sunday February 12th from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the School Gym. Your $50.00 ticket includes dinner, snacks and a beverage. There are a limited amount of tickets available.
Many of you have noticed that your 2023 envelope number has changed. This is because more parishioners are donating online and do not want or need paper envelopes which means that we need to order fewer envelope boxes and thus save costs and paper.
Do not use your 2022 envelopes anymore and please write your name and address on your envelopes for the first few weeks of 2023 so that we can make sure we have the correct information. Even if you do not have an envelope number, as long as you provide your name and address, your donations will be tracked under your name and you will receive a tax receipt.
Of course, if you wish to have a 2023 envelope box, please contact the Parish office and we will gladly issue you one.
Please mark your calendars for our annual Holy Cross Golf Tournament on Friday, May 12, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
MASS INTENTIONS for Jan 9 to 15, 2023 (Requested by)
Mon. 8:15 am
Spl. Int. Emilia and Pasqualino Nicoletti (Giuseppina G.)
Tues. 8:15 am
+John Van Essen (Family)
Wed. 8:15 am
+Flora Calori (Family)
Thurs 8:15 am
+Maria Demare (Tina Giannelli)
Fri. 8:15 am
+++Irma and Aurelio Nicoletti (Giuseppina G.)
Fri. 7:30 pm
No DIvine Mercy Mass
Sat. 9:00 am
+Adriano Van Essen (Family)
Sat 5:00 pm
+Maria Demare (Andrea and Peter Buonassisi)
+Janya Markota (Andrea and Peter Buonassisi)
Sun. 8:00 am
+Betty Plewes (Family)
+Mario Brunoro (Tony and Ivania)
+Guiseppe Rizzante
Spl Int. Maria Romano (Family)
Sun. 10:00am
+John Pavich (Ada and Family)
+Veronica Sandiwa (Family)
+Margaret Molnar (Holy Cross CWL)
+Kazimierz Chojnacki
+Father William Frigo, OFM Cap. (Liquori Family)
Spl. Int. Angeline Han (Psalm)
Sun. 12:00 Noon
+Saverino Filippelli (Family)
+++Lidia, Angelo and Flavio Santarossa
+++Gianna, Renato and Ricky Angelini
+John Pavich (Mary de Fazio)
++Domenica and Raffaele Losorelli (Family)
+Paul Pazdera (Marguerite)
+Andreina Artuso (Nino)
++Cassandra Peragine and Michele Peragine (Rafaella D’Addabbo)
Spl. Int. Franca Z. (Anna M.)
Sun 5:00 pm
++John and Antonio Porco (Anna Auld and Family)
+Maria Demare (Giuseppina G.)
++++++Cosimo and Carmela Peronace,
Rosalba Gasparre, Nicola and Caterina Tassone
and Elisabeta Arcadi
Spl. Int. Danny Hui (Stevenson Family)