Email Bulletin for Nov 24, 2023


We would like to encourage everyone to come and participate in our 12-hour Eucharistic Adoration starting after the Divine Mercy Mass at 9pm on November 24th and ending at 9:00am before morning Mass the next day, November 25th.  It can be a holy hour or a holy 15 minutes…. come and spend some time with Jesus.  There will be always at least one male person at every hour, so you won’t be alone.  Come and see Jesus Face to face.  He is waiting for you!

Our Share Christmas Program will commence next weekend.  As you enter the church, you will find a Christmas tree decorated with cards.  Each card will ask for a food item to be donated.  All food products received will be delivered to the Sisters in the Downtown Eastside.  In turn, the Sisters will hand out your food to the families and individuals in need during the Christmas season.  Our Share Christmas tree will run for only one weekend, the 1st Sunday of Advent (Dec 2-3).


The Pancake Breakfast has been changed from this Sunday to next Sunday December 3rd.

Advent Wreath Workshop 

Come learn about the significance of the Advent wreath and create your own wreath to take home.  Takes place on Saturday Dec 2, from 2-4pm in the School gym.  Cost $40.  Children can attend with a parent for a fun family workshop!  Sign up online or in person this Sunday November 26 after all Masses.  Register early as space is limited.  

2024 Sunday donation envelopes and wall calendars

Your 2024 Sunday donation envelopes and 2024 wall calendars from the local funeral homes are available for pickup in the Church lobby. 


Do you have big questions about the meaning of life?  Do you want to learn more about what it means to follow Jesus? Do you want to grow in your faith?

If so and you are a man aged 30 to 55, we invite you to join Alpha for Men at Holy Cross – a set of weekly evening gatherings that will explore these questions. If you have a husband, brother, or son who may not be a believer or has drifted from their faith, Alpha is also for them. All are welcome.

Each gathering consists of dinner followed by a short video and small group discussion. Alpha for Men begins on Friday, January 12 at 6:30pm at the parish.

Alpha has changed countless lives. To get a taste of what Alpha is about, watch this short video on how Alpha transformed a parish in Montreal.

To join Alpha for Men at Holy Cross, sign up here. We hope to see you on January 12!


Thursday November 30th at 7pm in the Music Room – Knights of Columbus Exemplification ceremony for new Knights.

The Pancake Breakfast has been changed from this Sunday to next Sunday December 3rd after the 8am, 10am, and 12pm masses.  There will be a turkey draw at each breakfast, 3 tickets for $5.


It is not too late to consider joining our CWL or to renew your membership!  New members are always welcome! If you or your friend or family member wants to join or know more about the CWL, please talk to one of our members (chances are you know someone who is a CWL member) or look at our CWL bulletin board outside the Adoration Chapel/Crying Room. You can also go to our National website

Our CWL membership fee is $45.00.  You can pay by cash or cheque.  Please put your payment in the collection basket with all your contact info in a separate envelope marked CWL.  You can also phone the parish office and pay by credit card.


The 2024 Sunday Missals (for Adults and for Young Catholics) and the Little Books for Advent and Christmas are available for sale in the back of the church. If you are a Sunday Mass reader, you should consider buying a Sunday Missal now as, when they are sold out, we cannot get any more. The Sunday Missals are $5.00 each, the Children and Youth Missals are $8.00 each and the Little Books are $3.00 each.  Please place the money in the brown box.


The deadline to order your Purdy’s chocolates for Christmas is this Sunday November 26thYou can still support our Holy Cross Catholic Women’s League’s (CWL) Christmas fundraiser by buying Purdy’s chocolates for Christmas. The CWL supports our parish with their fundraising proceeds so any support is appreciated. 

To place an order, click on the following link to “Join a Campaign”:

Should you have trouble accessing the site when clicking on the link, please visit: and select “Join a Campaign”. You will be asked to provide your email address and our Customer Number (63039). 

(If you don’t want chocolates, you can always support our CWL with a monetary donation.)

Orders will be available for pick up after all Sunday December 10 Masses.


We are very excited to announce that we have surpassed the Archdiocesan Goal of $56,400 for Project Advance at Holy Cross Parish. A very sincere thank you to all our parishioners who have helped make this happen. This is great news because any further donations to Project Advance will go directly to our Parish and help us achieve our three main campaign goals for this year and, they are as follows:  

– Replacing the furnace in the rectory – $13,000   

– Parking Lot Repairs – $22,000 

– Seismic upgrade of our elementary school 

Our sincere gratitude to all our Parishioners who have donated so far and to those who still wish to participate in the 2023 Project Advance Campaign.

You can drop off your pledge form in the collection basket, at the parish office or go online to give at and. . . please. . . designate our parish as the recipient.    You can also make a donation by phoning the Parish Office with your credit card information.

Kindergarten 2024 Applications

Holy Cross Elementary School is accepting applications for prospective Kindergarten students who will be 5 years old (born in 2019). If you are interested in having your child attend Holy Cross Elementary, please complete the application form which can be found on the school website ( and bring the following to the school office: child’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate (if baptized Catholic), completed application form and a $25.00 application fee payable by cash or cheque by December 8, 2023. In-person interviews for families selected based on our admissions policy will be on January 12, 2024. 

Save the Dates in 2024

Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

Sunday Feb. 11, 2024 – Super Bowl Party

Friday May 10, 2024 – Annual Golf Tournament

Sunday Sept. 15, 2024 – Annual Salmon Barbecue

MASS INTENTIONS for next week November 27 to December 3, 2023 (requested by):

Mon. Nov 27 8:15 am                +Zosia Zgudziak

Tues. Nov 28    8:15 am            +Giuseppe Guttadauro (Giuseppina G.)

Wed. Nov 29     8:15 am            +Margaret Molnar (Mary Anne)

Thurs. Nov 30   8:15 am            +Maria Demare (Marisa and Nick)

Fri. Dec 1          8:15 am            ++Nick and Anna and Silvano Garcea (Family)

Fri. Dec 1          7:30 pm            +Gella Cruz (Lanny and Danny)

                                                +James Harrington (Diva)

                                                +Adolfo Ortiz Junior (Family)

                                                +Giuseppe Guttadauro (Diva)

                                                +Diana Ting (Ernest and Alice)

                                                +Mo Lai Yee (Gladys Jung)

                                                Spl. Int. May and Michelle (Juliet)

                                                Spl. Int. Justin, Joel and Jerome Misenas (Nita)

                                                Spl. Int. Marie and Allen (Family)

                                                Spl. Int. Adrian and Alice Pragas (Betty and Henry)

                                                Spl. Int. Joachim, Catherine, Angela and Monica Chen (Agnes)

                                                Spl. Int. Autom Tagsa (Diva)

Sat. Dec 2        9:00 am            ++Souls in Purgatory

Sat. Dec 2        5:00 pm            +Gella Cruz (Jeannette Buonassisi)

                                                +Marijo Carr (Peter Veltri)

Sun. Dec 3        8:00 am            Parishioners

Sun. Dec 3        10:00am           ++Marie and Serge Rousseau (Nicole and Mike)

                                                ++Anna and Janos Pek (Nicole and Mike)

                                                +Rosa Milillo (Anna Colonna)

                                                ++Jose and Julianna Faria and the Deceased Members of the Faria

                                                 Family Constantino and Clarisse Faria

                                                +Diana Ting (Betty Chung)

                                                +Sabato Bellico (Liguori Family)

Sun. Dec 3        12:00 Noon       +++John and Antonio Porco and Claudia Ghostkeeper (Ferrante Family)

                                                +Raimondo Shievenin (Turrin Family)

                                                +Maurice Yang (Diva)

                                                Spl. Int. Nenita Marsland (Diva)

                                                Spl. Int.  David Hokanson (Family)

Sun. Dec 3        5:00 pm            +Esperance D’Souza (Family)

                                                +Carmine Rasquinha (Family)

                                                ++Pius and Maria Cheng (Family)


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