Pancake breakfast is scheduled for this coming Sunday March 3rd after 8am, 10am and 12pm masses.
CWL is collecting signatures to present to our local Member of Parliament in support of Bill S-210. This Bill will safeguard children from the harmful effects of violent and degrading pornography by requiring companies to implement meaningful age verification measures on their websites.
On March 09 or 10, please sign the petition at the back of the church to show your support for this Bill.
Knights of Columbus is hosting a State Fraternal Benefit Seminar on Thursday March 7th at 7pm in the school gym. If you are interested in learning about the Knights of Columbus benefits please consider attending. A free pasta dinner will be served at 6pm, please RSVP to Everyone is welcome.
You can also join the seminar online by registering at the following link:
Please support our Holy Cross Elementary School Grade 7 Grad Fundraiser by purchasing your Easter chocolates from Purdys!
Order directly online and pay by credit card by clicking on the link below to support the Grade 7 Grad Fundraising campaign.
Once you’ve registered, navigate to the top right hand corner menu and find “shop online.”
The deadline for your order is March 18th and your Purdy’s chocolate order will be ready for pick up on March 28 atHoly Cross School – 12:00 Noon or In the Church foyer – 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 pm. (before 7:30 pm Holy Thursday Mass).
If you would like to help our Parish Youth Group by buying Easter eggs for their Easter Egg hunt, you can buy a bag of Purdy’s chocolate mini eggs or chocolate bunnies as part of your Purdy’s order and it will be donated to the Youth Group to use in the Easter Egg hunt on Easter Sunday. Please select from item numbers: 24911 or 27933 or 24933 for youth group donations.
Please send an email to Laura at to let her know that a bag of chocolates in your Purdy’s order is for the Youth Ministry. Laura will give it directly to the youth group from your order.
Our Holy Cross annual Golf Tournament is on Friday May 10, 2024 at Riverway Golf Course. More details will be forthcoming.
Holy Cross ANNUAL Heavenly Wines Event:
Wine Selection Day is Sat and Sun April 6 & 7 before and after all Masses.
Wine Drop-off Day is Sat and Sun April 13 & 14 before and after all Masses.
Your 2023 tax receipts are ready to pick up in the lobby of the Church. You will receive a receipt(s) for your regular envelope donations as well as your preauthorized, online and Project Advance donations.
The worldwide Lenten 40 Days for Life Campaign is now in progress and we encourage each of you to take part. This year, Holy Cross parishioners have the option to sign up for the following:
1) One day for “on site” praying in front of St. Joseph’s Residence for Retired Priests at WILLOW ST. & 32nd Avenue. That day would be Sunday, March 3, the day that Colleen Roy, a journalist from the BC CATHOLIC will go on site at 2pm, to give a talk to those attending.
2) One day for Adoration and personal prayer for an end to abortion in front of Jesus in the Monstrance, from after morning Mass until 6:45pm on Friday, March 08
3) Those who would like to pray for an end to abortion, at home for one hour, during the 40Days For Life Campaign which is from Feb.14 to March 24, this year.
Also: Fr. Mark McGuckin, Pastor of St. Francis de Sales Parish will come to encourage us in our Prayers for the life of the unborn and the vulnerable,
at 2pm on March 24 at WILLOW ST. and 32nd Avenue. Everyone welcome. Bring your Rosary.
This is the link to the 8pm PT, nightly Zoom Rosary and prayers. Anybody can join but they won’t be let in until the Host is there at 8pm, or slightly before.
Every evening at 8pm up to and including March 24.
To JOIN click on the link below…
The Stations of the Cross will be at 7:00 pm every Friday during Lent. There will be no confessions on Friday evenings.
OUR DIVINE MERCY MASS on Friday, March 22, 2024 – 7:30 pm will be celebrated by Padre Martin Scott, of the Servants of Divine Mercy, Diocese of Chosica, Peru, and is presented by Mediatrix Conferences. Please come to meet and hear Fr. Martin speak.
MASS INTENTIONS for March 4 to 10, 2024 (Requested by)
Mon. 8:15 am +Josefa Cervantes (Ellie Cervantes)
Tues. 8:15 am +Christopher Leong (Family)
Wed. 8:15 am +Eugenio Cervantes (Ellie Cervantes)
Thurs 8:15 am +Victor Nopre (Mrs. Halfar)
Thurs. 9:15 am School Mass – Parishoners
Fri. 8:15 am +Brian Fong (Family)
Fri 7:30 pm +Gella Cruz (Lanny and Danny)
+Salud Migrino (Diva)
+Marlene Vis (Lanny and Danny)
++Anna Maria & Hernando Gomez (Family)
++Maria & Gino Sain (Family)
Spl Int. Thanksgiving Mass by Magsino Family
Spl. Int. Cecilia Wan & Joachim, Catherine, Angela & Monica Chen (Agnes)
Spl. Int. Emmanuel Migrino (Diva)
Spl. Int. Nilo Gumapac (Diva & Family)
Spl Int. For everyone attending and helping at Alpha for Men
Sat. 9:00 am +Agostino Velenosi (Wife)
Sat. ` 5:00 pm +Marco Finucci (Dave & Dorothy)
+Marcelo Ganaden (Angel Cruz & Family)
Spl. Int. Kirk Cruz (Anne Cruz & Kids)
Sun. 8:00 am +Sam Buonassisi (Nancy Yamauchi)
+Sylvia Crooks (Donald Taylor)
+Lucia Battiston (Leandro Pettenon Family)
+Eva Ceolin (Joe & Family)
Spl. Int. Laszlo & Bozena Szucs (Diva)
Spl. Int. Maria & Michael Roman (Family)
Sun. 10:00 am +Frank Folino (Ada & Family)
+Giuseppe Ceron (Family)
+Irma Frigu (Liguori Family)
++Arthur & Teresa Wunderlich (Family)
++John & Rosalind Fernandez (Cecilia & Family)
Spl. Int. Betty Chung ( Don & May Chan)
Spl. Int. Basia, Jacek & Sophie (Don & May Chan)
Spl Int. for Faith, Hope & Peace in Gaza (Maria Hu)
Sun. 12:00 noon +John Morris (Family)
+Wallace Morris (Diva)
+Henry Chung (Kit Wong)
+Adele Dickie (CWL)
Spl. Int. for Neetha Family (Family)
Sun. 5:00 pm Parishioners
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