BULLETIN Nov 4, 2022

November 4, 2022


The Catholic Church dedicates the entire month of November to the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  This season begins with the Hallowtide Triduum, which consists of All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day. During November we pray for the souls of those who have died, especially those whom we have known and loved.  Remembering them, praying for them, and giving thanks for them pleases God, who makes use of our prayers to help purify those souls in Purgatory that He loves.  

The Roman Catholic celebration is associated with the doctrine that the souls of the faithful, who at death have not been cleansed from temporal punishment, due to light sins and from attachment to mortal sins, cannot immediately enter heaven.  Therefore, they must be purified of “lesser faults,” and the temporal effects of sin.  

The Catholic Church calls this purification “purgatory”.  The universal Christian teaching on Purgatory requires belief in two realities:  1) That there will be a purification of believers prior to entering heaven.  2)  That the prayers and Masses of the faithful in some way benefit those in this state of purification.  We, as Catholics, believe that these souls may be helped by our prayers and by the sacrifice of the Mass.  

During the month of November we have a long-standing tradition of accepting Masses by All Souls Envelopes:  

1.  Each envelope is a request for one Mass.  Please take these from the entrance of the church or make your own envelope that is clearly marked “All Souls”.  

2.  Write the names of your deceased on the front and, along with your donation, put it in the Sunday collection basket (during the entire month of November), or bring it to our parish office OR send it to us via mail.  

3.  Each of these envelopes will be used as one Mass intention, celebrated by Fr. Tomasz or myself, or perhaps another priest.  PLEASE NOTE:  we will not be able to let you know the date on which your Mass will be observed.  

I encourage you to continue this beautiful practice that will help in setting our hearts and minds in the strong belief of Christ’s resurrection.  This is our spiritual gift, not only for our deceased, but also for all the forgotten souls.  May they rest in peace!  

Please remember that we can assist all the departed by way of ALMSGIVING, INDULGENCES, AND WORKS OF PENANCE on their behalf.
You can also pick up a November Holy Souls Prayer Booklet in the lobby of the Church to help your pray in the month of November.


This is a reminder that this is our last weekend (NOV 5-6) for our Homeless Program.  Please ensure your used donations are in good condition and are clean and reusable.  Only the following articles are needed: blankets, winter coats, gloves/mittens, boots, socks, toques and scarves.  After Mass, donations are accepted at the back of the church for our last weekend this year.  Please tag your donation bag “Homeless Men” or “Homeless Women.” Since the homeless do not have a place to stay and/or live in shelters, they cannot accept furniture and/or cooking utensils.  If you have questions, please phone/text Dillon at 604-561-6918. Thank you for your support in reaching out to those in need.

Come and join us as we learn how to make rosaries (free!).  You will make one for you and make another for patients at VGH.  Bring your children and grandchildren!
Saturday, November 12, 9:45am (after 9am morning Mass) in the Church basement.  Light refreshment will be served.  Please sign up with Makiko Morelli at mymorelli@hotmail.com or call/text at 778-938-3244.


You are invited to support our Holy Cross Catholic Women’s League by purchasing chocolates for your Christmas stockings, or as gifts for friends, family or business associates. The CWL supports our parish and various charitable organizations but, due to the Pandemic, our fundraising activities have been severely limited.  Any support that our parishioners can offer would be greatly appreciated.  To place an order, click on the following link to “Join a Campaign”:          https://fundraising.purdys.com/1536029-96085

Should you have trouble accessing the site when clicking on the link, please visit:  www.fundraising.purdys.com and select “Join a Campaign”. You will be asked to provide your email address and our Customer Number (63039).  If you cannot order online, a paper order form is available from the CWL Bulletin Board in the Church foyer or from the parish office.  (Completed paper order forms must include payment by cheque, payable to HOLY CROSS CWL and can be dropped off at the office or placed in an envelope marked “CWL” and dropped in the collection basket.)

Deadline to place an order is November 13 and orders will be available for pick up after all Sunday Masses on December 4.

Questions can be directed to Marisa (marisademare@gmail.com) or the Parish office.

Thank you very much for your support!

advent Parish Retreat: Nine Days to welcome peace

Would you like to find peace and keep it?  Join us for a simple 9 day retreat from Nov 21 to 25 and Nov 28 to Dec 2.  (Peace of heart is not only a blessing but also a necessary condition for the growth of our spiritual lives. How do we not only find peace but then keep it? Step by step, in a period of nine days, Fr. Jacques Philippe describes how to welcome this inner peace in all areas of our existence. He shows us how to rest in the deep resonance of God’s holy peace amidst the highs and lows, ease and struggles of everyday life. Allow your heart to be guided by Fr. Jacques toward a more peaceful existence that penetrates every area of your life and calls you to a deeper relationship with the Lord.

We will start with morning Mass, followed by reflection and Benediction in the Church. Please register with Dorothy Demare at dorothydemare@gmail.com by November 13 to ensure that you get your copy of the book (about $17). 


Please join the Kearney Funeral Services team in honouring your loved ones and all those that have passed away this last year, at this special Mass that will be celebrated at: St. Helen’s Church 3860 Triumph Street, Burnaby, B.C. on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. Please RSVP by e-mailing us at burnaby@kearneyfs.com, or call 604-299-6889 (Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm) as we will be offering refreshments in the Parish Hall after the Mass.

CWL (Catholic Women’s League)

Our next General Meeting is on Thursday November 17 at 7:00 pm in the Music Room.  (There will not be a Mass before the meeting). 

Our 2023 Membership drive will be the weekend of November 19 and 20 after all Masses.


The General Meeting is on Thursday November 10 at 7:00 pm in the music room.

The Knights of Columbus are selling tickets for the Annual Charity Appeal and you can buy tickets from the following link:  https://kofcdraw.net/C5423.  The first prize is a 2023 Toyota Rav4 and early bird draws begin on October 31.


Please mark your calendars for our Super Bowl party on Sunday, February 12, 2023 and for our annual Holy Cross Golf Tournament on Friday, May 12, 2023.

MASS INTENTIONS for Nov 7 to 13, 2022

(Requested by)

Mon.     8:15 am           

++++++Cosimo and Carmela Peronace, Rosalba Gasparre, Nicola and Caterina Tassone

and Elisabeta Arcadi

Tues.   8:15 am           

+Vince Abbinante (Emma Van Essen)

Wed.    8:15 am           

Spl. Int. Joy MacFarland (Daphne)

Thurs   8:15 am           

++Cyril D’Souza and Deceased Members of Gonseka’s Family (Families)

Fri.       9:00 am           

+Mirella Nicoletti (Giuseppina G.)

Fri.       7:30 pm           

+Emma Isaac (Costanza Mancini)

+May Lian Bao (Vivian Shen & Family)

++Bill and Hyacinth Yang (Diva and John)

++Deceased Members of Faria Family (Family)

++Souls in Purgatory

Spl. Int. Paul, Martha and Pan Family (Family)

Spl. Int. Peace of Christ (Regina)

Spl. Int. Olivia Panis (Lanny and Danny)

Spl. Int. David Litwin (Lanny and Danny)

Spl. Int. Marie and Allen

Sat.      9:00 am

++Deceased Members of Nicoletti Family (Giuseppina G.)

Sat       5:00 pm           

+Paul Thow (Family)

+Carlos Espinoza (Giuseppina G.)

+Kathleen Heirakuji (Thow Family)

++Deceased Members of Corrado and Lupinacci Families (Family)

+++++Francesco and Raffaele Barone, Teresa Runco, Francesca Mancuso and Pietro Pettinato (Family)

+John Pavich (Carmine and Makiko)

Spl. Int. Priscilla Trang (Family)

Sun.     8:00 am           

++Souls in Purgatory (Paola Peretto)

+Mary MacDonald (Don and May Chan)

+Nick Petrollini (Carmela and Family)

+Betty Plewes (Family)

Sun.     10:00am

++Deceased Members of Orsatti and Di Cecco Families (Giuseppina G.)

+Rina Tinaburri (Giuseppina G.)

+Hyacinth Yang (Nicole and Mike)

+John Pavich (Diane and Don Kennedy and Family)

+Annina Falcione (Adua Salzano and Family)

+John Ford (Gray Family)

Spl. Int. Priscilla Trang (Psalm)

Spl. Int. Lucille Sandhurst (Daphne)

Sun.     12:00 Noon      

+Maureen Ostofy (Judy Talas and Family)

++Leonides Parel and Ernesto Parel Senior (Perla)

+Emma Isaac (John and Diva)

+Olga Hoffman (Daphne)

+Saverino Filippelli (Family)

+Vicenzo Misceo (Family)

++Anna Maria and Hernando Gamez (Family)

++Gino and Maria Sain (Family)

Sun.     5:00pm            


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