Update March 4, 2022


Development and Peace appeals and prays for peace in Ukraine and calls the faithful to stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. As an organization committed to justice and peace, we strongly condemn all acts of military aggression.

In a video message posted on the morning Russian troops attacked, Tetiana Stawnychy, president of Caritas Ukraine, said “It’s hard to believe in the 21st century that we were waking up to the sounds of explosions and of air raid sirens….”

In the coming days, large numbers of people will likely end up displaced, needing help with meeting their basic needs. We have therefore made an immediate allocation of $75,000 to help with the provision of food, shelter, medical care and transport to safe locations. In addition, we ask for your solidarity and support to help us respond to the needs on the ground. Last but not least, thank you for joining us in praying for peace.

If you want to donate: https://www2.devp.org/en/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=3&gl=2y0x0


During the season of Lent, we are encouraged to pray and meditate on the Way of the Cross.  Please help yourself to the booklets titled Mary’s Way of the Cross available at the back of the Church (at no charge) to help you in your private prayer and meditation on the Stations of the Cross.  These booklets help us see through Mary’s eyes what Jesus was going through on the way to Cavalry.


The second collection this week is for St. Joseph’s Society. This collection supports priests in their retirement years. 


The Stations of the Cross will be at 7:00 pm every Friday during Lent. There will be no confessions on Friday evenings. 


Formed.org provides the very best Catholic content of movies, children’s programs, eBooks, audio, and faith studies direct to your browser, mobile or connected device. There are some excellent resources for Lent.  

For adults:  “A Lenten Encounter with Mercy” a series of five videos. 

For children:  “Lent with Brother Francis” a four part series of short videos. 

 Steps to sign up to formed.org 

  • Go to formed.org/signup  
  • Choose “I belong to a Parish or Organization”  
  • Enter Holy Cross Burnaby  
  • Select our parish (make sure it is 1450 Delta Ave, Burnaby)  
  • Register with your name and email address  
  • Check your email account for a link to begin using FORMED  


We would like to introduce a new program at our parish that pairs parishioners together as pen pals to correspond with each other by either letter or by e-mail. The aim of this program is to pair people together to foster a connection between parishioners to make a new friend or simply just connect with someone else and get to know one another. If there are any seniors in your family who you think would like to join, it would be great to inform them about this opportunity too. Before joining, it would also be necessary to complete a training session. If you have any further inquiries and would like to join this program, you can contact Veronica at veronikalewis11@gmail.com.  


This is the last weekend that your 2021 tax receipts will be available at the back of the Church for pickup.  Starting next week, we will be mailing your receipts.  You will receive a receipt(s) for your regular envelope donations as well as your preauthorized, online and Project Advance donations.

MASS INTENTIONS (Requested by)
March 7 to 13, 2022

Mon.     8:15 am            +Concepcion D. Anonas (Family)

Tues.    8:15 am            +Brian Fong (Family)

 Wed.   8:15 am            Spl. Int. Frans Angkiriwang for Successful Surgery and Recovery (Family)

Thurs    8:15 am            +Carmela Laurita (Family)

Fri.       8:15 am            +John Van Essen (Family)

Fri.       7:30 pm            +Emma Isaacs

                                    Spl. Int. Olivia Panis (Lanny and Danny)

                                    Spl. Int. Father Yarek Dsziuba (Regina M.)

Sat.      9:00 am            +Adriano Van Essen (Family)

Sat       5:00 pm            +Frank Folino (Ada and Family)

                                    +Rosalba Gasparre

                                    +Martin Tandeo (Family)

                                    +Emma Isaacs (Maria and Jen).

Sun.     8:00 am            +Maria Santagiuliana (Family)

                                    ++Cosimo and Carmela Peronace

                                    ++Nicola and Caterina Tassone and Elisabeta Arcadi

                                    +Molly Brewster

Sun.     10:00am            +Perfrio Nibal (Family)

                                    +Giuseppe Ceron (Family)

                                    +Marcello Zanatta (Ceron Family)

                                    ++Gianna Duse and Eva Ceolin (Ceolin Family)

                                    +Paul Pazdera (Marguerite Ann)

Sun.     12:00 Noon       +Paul Pazdera (Andrea and Peter B.)

                                    +Saverino Filippelli (Robert and Krys)

                                    +Stephen Morris (Family)

                                    +John Kucan (Kathy Kucan)

                                    Spl. Int. Jennifer Morris (Family)

Sun.     5:00pm             Parishioners

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