Latest Parish Bulletin
We’re excited to share that our campaign continues to gain momentum, thanks to our dedicated group of volunteers: Dino Alberti, Renzo Barazzuol, Luciana Battista, Vu Le, Anna Auld, and Tanya Ripoli – whose hard work and commitment are truly bringing this vision to life.
Our goal is simple: to connect with every family in our community and invite them to contribute to this important cause. Every gift, big or small, makes a meaningful impact that directly benefits our students.
If a volunteer reaches out to you by phone, we kindly ask that you take their call. This is an opportunity for us to discuss how you can help us reach our goal. If you’re considering making a pledge (whether it is a one-time gift or a commitment spread over time), your signed commitment will help us assess where we stand financially, determine what more we can accomplish together, and ensure we are delivering the best resources for our students.
Let’s not forget – today’s school and resources exist because previous generations stepped up and made their contributions. Now, it is our turn to invest in the next generation and leave a lasting legacy for our students.

We are grateful for every contribution, and we encourage you to give what you can, knowing that every gift, no matter the size, makes a meaningful difference.
Thank you again for your continued support.
The Knights of Columbus are collecting eyeglasses to be redistributed to those in need. Please drop them off in the marked box as you enter the church.
SUPER BOWL PARTY Sunday February 9, 2025
Some tickets are still available at the door for the 3rd Annual Holy Cross Super Bowl party on Sunday February 9th from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the School Gym. Your $50.00 ticket includes snacks served throughout and dinner served at halftime. A full bar will be available throughout the game. (Admission will be limited to those aged 19+). Contact Dino Alberti at or 604-803-3534.
(hosted by the CWL)
The Mass and Anointing for the Sick will be celebrated on Thursday February 13th at 11:00 am, followed by a luncheon in the Music Room. Please RSVP to the Parish Office (604-299-3814 ext 2) or email by Monday February 10th if you plan to attend the lunch.
The Knights of Columbus General Meeting is Thursday Feb. 13 at 7 pm in the Music Room.
Due to a conflict with the other event happening (Super Bowl) in the school gym, we are going to have Coffee Sunday on the third Sunday, February 16 after all morning Masses. We look forward to seeing you!
Our Lenten Bible Study is “No Greater Love,” a 5-week biblical pilgrimage that reveals Christ’s amazing love for us. We will walk step-by-step with Jesus from the garden of Gethsemane to Mount Calvary. We will go through Old Testament prophecies, messianic expectations, biblical symbolism, and historical context to shed light on the mystery of Christ’s suffering and death.
Sessions will start every Wednesday on March 12 to April 9 at 7:30 pm in the Music Room. You can attend any one or all of the sessions. The study Workbook is optional but recommended and will be available during the sessions. For more information, contact Tito Macapinlac at or (604)761-3135 or the parish office.
We are inviting anyone aged 16-23 to come join us for a program called ‘The Search’. Click here to watch. Although we have already had our first session, there are still 6 sessions left (Feb. 27th, March 6th, March 27th, April 3rd, May 22nd, June 5th). We will meet in the music room in the church basement from 6:45 -8:15 P.M. You can come to have a meal, dessert, and share in meaningful discussions about life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith and discover how Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the most satisfying answers to all the questions and desires of the human heart.
So, keep your schedule open for this wonderful opportunity. You will meet new people your age and embark on an exploration of the Faith.
We really encourage you to bring a friend as it will be more fun that way. They don’t have to be from our parish, or even Catholic. THE SEARCH is for everyone. These sessions are all free, generously paid by the parish. If you would like to sign up click here. If you have any questions, please contact Mariana 604-700-3637.
Our 65th Anniversary celebration, ‘Great Gatsby Gala’, will be held on Saturday, March 1st, 2025, in the School Gym. The evening will feature delicious food (catered by Grnhse at the Refinery), specialty drinks, silent and live auction items, dancing, and a whole lot more. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with dinner served at 7:15 p.m. Cocktail attire. Tickets are $100 per person and can be purchased at the School Office. We hope you will join us as Holy Cross School celebrates 65 years of Catholic education!
A reminder to pick up your 2025 Sunday donation envelopes from the Church lobby. Please do not use your 2024 envelopes and throw them out or recycle them as your 2025 envelope number may be different from your 2024 envelope number. If you don’t have envelopes and want to get a box for 2025, please email or call the Parish office.
Please write your name and address on your envelopes for the first few weeks of 2024 so that we can make sure we have your information up to date.
Also, if you have printed 2025 envelopes, please make every possible effort to use your printed 2025 envelopes.
Thank you to all CWL members who have paid their membership dues. It is not too late to join the CWL and/or renew your $45.00 membership – you can drop it off at the Parish Office or leave it in the collection basket at the front of the Church when you come for Mass. (Please make sure that you label your envelope CWL and if you are paying cash, put your name, address, phone number and email address on the front of the envelope.) (You can also call the Parish office to pay for your membership with your credit card information).
FORMED provides the very best Catholic content of movies, children’s programs, eBooks, audio, and faith studies direct to your browser, mobile or connected device.
Steps to sign up to
- Go to
- Choose “I belong to a Parish or Organization”
- Enter Holy Cross Burnaby
- Select our parish (make sure it is 1450 Delta Ave, Burnaby)
- Register with your name and email address
- Check your email account for a link to begin using FORMED
Archbishop Miller has just released a Pastoral Letter on the Jubilee. You can find it here. Learn more about this special year of 2025 and stay updated with the latest news at or subscribe to the Friday report at
Please save the date for the Holy Cross Annual Golf Tournament on
Friday May 9, 2025 from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Riverway Golf Course in Burnaby. More information to come.
MASS INTENTIONS for Monday February 10, 2025, to Sunday February 16, 2025 (Requested by)
Mon. Feb 10 8:15 am
Tues. Feb 11 8:15 am
+Pui Yu Liu (Family)
Spl. Int. Jason Chan
Wed. Feb 12 8:15 am
+Maria Ceraldi (Family)
Spl. Int. Jason Chan
Thurs. Feb 13 8:15 am
+Nico Folino (Marisa and Nick)
Spl. Int. Jason Chan
Fri. Feb 14 8:15 am
++Mary and Tony Tomljenovich (Isbister Family)
Spl. Int. Jason Chan
Fri. Feb 14 7:30 pm
+Mauricio Olalo (Diva)
Spl. Int. Marie and Allen (Family)
Spl. Int. Catherine, Angela, Monica and Joachim Chen (Agnes)
Spl. Int. for Participants and Volunteers at Alpah
Spl. Int. for Healing for Alejo Mariano Junior (Angelina Marino)
Spl. Int. Regina (Barbara Van Heiningen)
Sat. Feb 15 9:00 am
+Giuseppe Guttadauro (Giuseppina)
Sat. Feb 15 5:00 pm
++Calixto Dolores and Fortunata Soriano and Adoracion Dolores
(Art and Connie Madayag)
+Carlo Piovesan Senior (Piovesan Family)
++Souls in Purgatory (Ian and Susana Harwood)
Spl. Int. Debra Simla (Carmine and Makiko)
Spl. Int. Jason Chan
Sun. Feb 16 8:00 am
+Tony De Santis (Family)
++Emilia and Carmine Bevacqua (Maria Bevacqua)
Spl. Int. Romano Family (Family)
Sun. Feb 16 10:00am
+Antonina Sciortino (Holy Cross CWL)
++John and Rosalind Fernandez (Family)
+Annibale Tinaburri (Mike and Carmelina De Lazzari)
+Erminia Perone (Mike and Carmelina De Lazzari)
Spl. Int. Jason Chan
Sun. Feb 16 12:00 Noon
+++John and Wallace Morris and James Harrington (Diva)
+Erminia Perone (Holy Cross CWL)
+Dolores Nopre (Albina Halfar)
+Gino Battochio (Family)
Spl. Int. Diva (Kit)
Spl. Int. Heidi and David (Diva)
Sun. Feb 16 5:00 pm
+++Antonio, Maria and John Porco (Anna Auld)
+Mike De Mare (Mirjana Crnica)
+Benedicto Malig (Agnes Nuttall)
Spl. Int. Angie and David (Agnes)
Spl. Int. Lanny (Barbara Van Heiningen)
Previous Bulletins
Update January 28, 2022 The Parish Council will be making a decision at their next meeting as to whether to renew our subscription. If you are using this website and would like the parish to continue our subscription, please email our parish office at SYNOD CARDS The Holy Father has called a Synod in Rome in which …
Update January 21, 2022
PROJECT ADVANCE 2021 Thank you for your generous response to Project Advance 2021! We collected $103,673. Since our archdiocesan goal was lowered for this year, $56,672 stays in our parish. As previously mentioned, this money will go towards: Replacement of the boiler in the church ($30,000) Renewing the subscription to for our parishioners ($2,000) …
Update January 14, 2022
PRISON MINISTRY – Christmas Cards and 2022 CalendaR Bob Buckham thanks all of you who donated Christmas cards and 2022 calendars for the Prison Ministry. Bob said that Holy Cross Parish donates the most of any other parish and he wanted to thank us for our generosity. FROM THE DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Unfortunately, the Holy Cross …
Update January 7, 2022
SHARE CHRISTMAS This coming Sunday, we are liturgically ending the Christmas season with the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord. During this period, we not only celebrated the joyful birth of Jesus and events following this, but also tried to show and share the love He brought into the world with others. An example …
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