Email Bulletin for May 26, 2023

Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast

There will be no pancake breakfast this month.  Please join at our next pancake breakfast on June 25th. 


The Holy Cross School Community Picnic is this Sunday May 28th from 12:30pm – 4:30 pm on the Holy Cross School Grounds.  All are welcome!

Please join us fordelicious food including BBQ sausages, pasta, hot dogs, and other treats. The menu prices are as follows:

Pasta            $6.00

Sausage       $5.00

Hot Dog        $2.00

Pop              $2.00

Juice            $1.00

Water           $1.00

Chips            $1.00

Freezie         $2.00

A $10.00 wrist band will give your child all day access to the Bouncy Castle, Super Slide, and all carnival games.

Staff SURPRISE Event is at 1:30 pm!

We look forward to seeing you there!

For more info:

The Lord is calling you:

Come and Experience the new evangelization!

The catechists of the Neocatechumenal Way invite you to rediscover the joy of believing.  Come and listen on Mondays and Thursdays from April 24th to June 11th, 2023.  All are welcome, youth as well as adults.  Free babysitting will be provided on site as needed.  For information please call Michael Zarbl at (604) 319-9765.


PREP Registration for 2023-2024 will start on Monday April 24 and the “Early Bird” rate ends next week on Friday June 2nd. Please let your family and friends know that PREP at Holy Cross starts at Level 1 (Level 1 students are those

MASS INTENTIONS for next week – May 29 to June 4, 2023: (requested by):

Mon.     9:00 am           

+Maria Demare (Marisa and Nick)

Tues.   8:15 am           

Spl. Int. Virgie Parel (Perla)

Wed.    8:15 am           


Thurs   8:15 am           

+Gitane Mierop (Family)

Fri.       8:15 am           

+John Morris (Nancy Yamauchi)

Fri        7:30 pm           

+John Morris (Lanny and Danny)

Spl. Int. May and Michelle (Juliet)

Spl. Int. Father Chris (Regina)

Spl. Int. Fernando Tan (Ramona)

Sat.      9:00 am           

++Souls in Purgatory

Sat       5:00 pm           

+Esperance D’Souza (Family)

+Rose Simone (Tony & Marie Wagner)

++Nicole & Mark Hasselmann (Porciello Family)

+Doctor Aiko Chapman (Carmine and Makiko)

+Anna Rose Laxamana Esteban (Cruz Family)

Sun.     8:00 am           

+Robert Veltri (Wife Rose Ann Abbinante)

+Lucia Martino (Jeanette B.)

++Deceased Members of the Warburton Family

Sun.     10:00am          

+Eufrasia Sovernigo (Family)

+John Pavich (Family)

+Santolo Esposito (Family

+Maria D’Onofrio (Jack & Rosina)

Spl. Int. Giuseppina G. (Giuseppina)

Spl. Int. Daphne Aslam (Friend)

Sun.     12:00 Noon      

+Elsa Canil (Parishioner)

+James Harrington (John & Diva)

+Carlo De Renzio (Rosa)

+Saverino Filippelli (Family)

+John Morris (Makiko and Carmine)

Spl. Int. Marie and Allen (Family)

Spl. Int. Maxine Carpenter (Parishioner)

Sun      5:00 pm           

++Anna and Czeslaw Odyniec (Family)

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