What Happens If We Raise More Than Our $500,000 Goal?
As a reminder, the total cost for our Seismic Upgrade and Renovation project is $4.3 Million, and it will be funded through a combination of cash reserves, our capital campaign (of $500,000), and an RCAV loan.
Our capital campaign is going incredibly well, and we are pleased to share that we have raised just over $400,000 to date. As a result, we are giving thought to critical items that could be included should we exceed our goal. If we surpass our $500,000 campaign target, the excess funds could allow us to address additional priorities beyond the original budget to benefit our children’s learning experience and school environment. Here is how your continued support could make a difference:
- Enhanced Climate Control
Upgrade our new Air Conditioning units to top-of-the-line Heat Pump Units, which will significantly improve year-round comfort for our students and staff.
- Upgraded Furniture for Functionality & Comfort
Allow us to purchase new furniture for the School and Library, which will enhance the aesthetic appeal of our spaces and improve functionality, creating a more comfortable environment for both students and staff.
- Higher Standards for Energy Efficiency
Invest in higher-quality windows to improve energy efficiency throughout the school.
We’re excited about the potential these extra funds could unlock for us, so thank you again for your continued support.
We are inviting anyone aged 16-23 to come join us for a program called ‘The Search’. Click here to watch. We will meet on Thursdays for 7 sessions (Feb. 6th, Feb. 27th, March 6th, March 27th, April 3rd, May 22nd, June 5th) to have a meal, dessert, and share in meaningful discussions about life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith. Come discover how Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the most satisfying answers to all the questions and desires of the human heart.
So, keep your schedule open for this great opportunity starting this Thursday February 6th, 2025. You will meet new people your age and embark on an exploration of the Faith. We will meet in the music room in the church basement from 6:45 -8:15 P.M.
We really encourage you to bring a friend as it will be more fun that way. They don’t have to be from our parish, or even Catholic. THE SEARCH is for everyone. These sessions are all free, generously paid by the parish. If you would like to sign up click here. If you have any questions, please contact Mariana 604-700-3637.
The 2nd collection this Sunday supports the parish in its circulation of the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Vancouver. This collection is kept by the parish to defray the costs of distribution.
SUPER BOWL PARTY Sunday February 9, 2025
The 3rd Annual Holy Cross Super Bowl party is next Sunday February 9th from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the School Gym. Your $50.00 ticket includes snacks served throughout and dinner served at halftime. A full bar will be available throughout the game. (Admission will be limited to those aged 19+). Tickets are available at the Parish office and the School office.
The Mass and Anointing for the Sick will be celebrated on Friday February 13th at 11:00 am, followed by a luncheon in the Music Room. Please RSVP to the Parish Office (604-299-3814 ext 2) or email by Monday February 10th if you plan to attend the lunch.
A reminder to pick up your 2025 Sunday donation envelopes from the Church lobby. Please do not use your 2024 envelopes and throw them out or recycle them as your 2025 envelope number may be different from your 2024 envelope number. If you don’t have envelopes and want to get a box for 2025, please email or call the Parish office.
Please write your name and address on your envelopes for the first few weeks of 2024 so that we can make sure we have your information up to date.
Also, if you have printed 2025 envelopes, please make every possible effort to use your printed 2025 envelopes.
Our 65th Anniversary celebration, ‘Great Gatsby Gala’, will be held on Saturday, March 1st, 2025 in the School Gym. The evening will feature delicious food (catered by Grnhse at the Refinery), specialty drinks, silent and live auction items, dancing, and a whole lot more. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with dinner served at 7:15 p.m. Cocktail attire. Tickets are $100 per person and can be purchased at the School Office. We hope you will join us as Holy Cross School celebrates 65 years of Catholic education!
Thank you to all CWL members who have paid their membership dues. It is not too late to join the CWL and/or renew your $45.00 membership – you can drop it off at the Parish Office or leave it in the collection basket at the front of the Church when you come for Mass. (Please make sure that you label your envelope CWL and if you are paying cash, put your name, address, phone number and email address on the front of the envelope.)
(You can also call the Parish office to pay for your membership with your credit card information).
Due to a conflict with the other event happening (Super Bowl) in the school gym, we are going to have Coffee Sunday on the third Sunday, February 16 after all morning Masses. We look forward to seeing you!
FORMED.ORG provides the very best Catholic content of movies, children’s programs, eBooks, audio, and faith studies direct to your browser, mobile or connected device.
Steps to sign up to
- Go to
- Choose “I belong to a Parish or Organization”
- Enter Holy Cross Burnaby
- Select our parish (make sure it is 1450 Delta Ave, Burnaby)
- Register with your name and email address
- Check your email account for a link to begin using FORMED
A Jubilee Year is celebrated by the universal Church every 25 years. This special year is dedicated to encouraging the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, repent of their sins, forgive others, and renew their focus on spiritual life.
A way to get involved during the Jubilee Year is to go on a local pilgrimage. Archbishop Miller has designated the following sites as local places of pilgrimage:
- Holy Rosary Cathedral, Vancouver
- St. Jude’s Parish and Shrine, Vancouver
- St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Agassiz, together with the adjacent Shrine of Santo Niño de Cebu
You are encouraged to go on a local pilgrimage with family and friends to these sites. By taking part in a pilgrimage to one of the three designated churches, you can obtain the Jubilee Indulgence. Learn more at
Learn more about this special year of 2025 and stay updated with the latest news at or subscribe to the Friday report at
There will be a Vocation Live-In on the weekend of February 8-9 at the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, BC. Anyone wishing to enter the Seminary in the next couple of years is welcome. For more information phone 604-826-8975 or email
Please save the date for the Holy Cross Annual Golf Tournament on
Friday May 9, 2025 from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Riverway Golf Course in Burnaby. More information to come.
MASS INTENTIONS for Monday February 3, 2025, to Sunday February 9, 2025 (Requested by)
Mon. Feb 3 8:15 am
+Henry Yasul (Katherine and Michael MacPherson)
Spl. Int. Denis Parry (Diane and Don K.)
Tues. Feb 4 8:15 am
Wed. Feb 5 8:15 am
+Ho Heung Tim (Heidi and David)
Thurs. Feb 6 8:15 am
++Rosina and Conchetta Demare (Marisa and Nick)
Thurs. Feb 6 9:15 am School Mass
+Ken Prout (Peter Veltri)
Fri. Feb 7 8:15 am
+Florence Fung Luen Leung (Family)
+Dindo Tejada (Family)
+Anaih Erinn Araneta (Ana Villanueva)
Fri. Feb 7 7:30 pm
+Zarela Delgado de Brain (Diva)
Spl. Int. Josie Cheng
Spl. Int. Private Intentions
Spl. Int. Catherine, Angela, Monica and Joachim Chen (Agnes)
Spl. Int. May and Michelle (Juliet)
Spl. Int. for Participants and Volunteers at Alpha
Spl. Int. for Healing for Alejo Mariano Junior (Angelina Marino)
Sat. Feb 8 9:00 am
+Li Wai Ngan Hung (Family)
+Agostino Velenosi (Family)
Sat. Feb 8 5:00 pm
++Bartolome Sibayan and Proctusa Nullar (Art and Connie Madayag)
+Erminia Perone (Dave and Dorothy)
+Maria Srdanovic (Cikes Family)
Spl. Int. Dave and Dorothy (Diva)
Sun. Feb 9 8:00 am
+Tony De Santis (Family)
+Mike De Mare (Ryan’s Rainbow Volunteers)
+Maria Puleo (Andrea and Peter)
++Zdenko and Mendica Milekovic and Anna Conte (Katy)
+Nives Burlo (Katy)
+Pietro Pizzolato (Adriana and Stefano Fogale)
Spl. Int. Romano Family (Family)
Sun. Feb 9 10:00am
+Tony De Santis (Joe and Lucia Simon)
+Joe Rubino (Lena and Family)
+Egidio Salvador (Family)
+Olga Racanelli (Diana and Phil Racanelli and Family)
++John and Rosalind Fernandez (Family)
+Janice Pan (Kit)
Spl. Int. Jamie and Jonathan (Kit)
Sun. Feb 9 12:00 Noon
+Helen Morris (Diva)
+Paul Thow (Family)
+Maria Chua (Family)
+Erminia Perone (Mary De Fazio)
+Gino Battochio (Family)
Spl. Int. Diva (Kit)
Sun. Feb 9 5:00 pm
+Julie Tio (Lanny and Danny)
+Emma Isaacs (Family)
+Kaye McLean (Holy Cross CWL)
Spl. Int. Angie and David (Agnes)
Spl. Int. Stefanus Soegiarto (Sunday 5pm Choir)