Email Bulletin for August 16, 2024


If you want to become a Catholic or are a Catholic who have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation or just want to reconnect with your faith, please call or email our parish office to register for the RCIA Program.  If you know someone who might be interested, please reach out to them and invite them to join the course.  We are beginning on Saturday, September 14th.  We will give you more details after registration.

Countdown to the Salmon BBQ is on and we’re still fishing for volunteers!

We have the cause. You have the effect!  Come one & all to our final volunteer meeting which will take place on Monday, September 9th at 6:30pm at the parish basement.    There is no “I” in Team but there is a “u” in volunteer, and we would love to have you volunteer at this beautiful parish event.  As you can appreciate, the success of this and any event is only ever dependent on the hands of those who can help to put the event together.  The Salmon BBQ is no exception.  We appreciate the gift of your time and hope to see you on the 9th.   At least this time the meeting won’t conflict with game 7 of the final NHL series!  😊


Please mark your calendars for our annual Parish Salmon Barbecue on Sunday September 15th.  We will have live music, fun activities for the kids and great food.  More information will be forthcoming.

MASS INTENTIONS for Monday August 19, 2024 to Sunday August 125, 2024 (Requested by)

Mon. Aug 19     9:00 am            ++Rose and Karl Kamm (Giuseppina G.)

Tues. Aug 20     9:00 am            ++David Lo (Shirley Leung) and Bernardo Nopre (Albina Halfar)

Wed. Aug 21     9:00 am            ++Fortuna Valvona and Serafina Cappocci

Thurs. Aug 22   9:00 am            +Mary Ann George

Fri. Aug 23        9:00 am            +David Lo (Heidi and David)

Fri. Aug 23        7:30 pm            +Zarela Delgado de Brain (Diva)

                                                ++Souls in Purgatory

                                                ++Michael and Helen Hu (Diva)

                                                +Mildred Cordeiro D’Cruz (Cosme)

                                                +Gregory Libardi (Simona and Alessandro)

                                                +Irma Faussone (Simona and Alessandro)

+Francisco Myung (Agnes)

+James Daxon Slater (Agnes)

                                                Spl. Int. Catherine, Monica, Angela and Joachim Chen (Agnes)

                                                Spl. Int. Maria Hu (Diva)

                                                Spl. Int. William Ribezzo (Simona and Alessandro)

                                                Spl. Int. Edward Ribezzo (Simona and Alessandro)

                                                Spl. Int. Alessandro Danese (Simona and Alessandro)

                                                Spl. Int. Dave and Dorothy on their Wedding Anniversary (Makiko)

                                                Spl. Int. Regina Mattusch on her Birthday (Jon and Carmen Archer)

Sat. Aug 24       9:00 am            ++Souls in Purgatory (Maria V.)

Sat. Aug 24       5:00 pm            +Isabel Freitas (Constantino Faria)

                                                +Peter Simone (Carmine and Makiko)

                                                +Dan Dorazio (Carmine and Makiko)

                                                Spl. Int. for the Good Health and Conversion of Steven (Clarisse Faria)

                                                Spl. Int. Adelina Garcia (Dorothy and Dave)

                                                Spl. Int. Dave and Dorothy Demare (Kit Wong)

Sun. Aug 25      8:00 am            ++John and Emilia Mauro (Family)

                                                +Maria Barichello (Leandro and Elena Pettenon)

                                                Spl. Int. Lawrence Fong and Family

                                                Spl. Int. Grace Tang (Kit Wong)

Sun. Aug 25      10:00am            ++Eufrasia Sovernigo and Deceased Members of Sovernigo Family                                                        (Family)           

                                                ++Domenico and Maddalena Ricci (Family)

                                                ++Vito and Antonia Racanelli (Phil and Diana Racanelli)

                                                +Neila Omlas Cruz (Junica and Lawrence)

                                                Spl. Int. Betty Chung (Kit Wong)

                                                Spl. Int. Thanksgiving for Gerard Magsino’s Birthday (Magsino Family)

Sun. Aug 25      12:00 Noon       +Kathleen Hong (Family)

                                                +++John and Wallace Morris and James Harrington (Diva)

                                                +Margaret (Peggy) Mutis (Sigurnjak Family)

                                                Spl. Int. Marie and Allen (Family)

Sun. Aug 25      5:00 pm            +Edward Chang (Family)

                                                +++++Maria, Jorge, Gabriela, Celeste and Emanuel Goncalves

                                                (Clarisse Faria)

                                                +Guilhermino (Bill) Ferreira (Sofia Tartaglia)

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